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IELTS Cue Cards 12 : Talk about something you borrowed from your friend

IELTS Cue Cards: Talk about something you borrowed from your friend

(for girls)

Sometimes we are unable to afford
something and we try to borrow it to fulfill our need. During my schooling, I
had borrowed things from my friends and cousins many times. One such incident
is when I borrowed Economics book from my friend.
Actually in school, in 10th
class, our teacher advised us to buy a supplementary workbook. When I checked
it at a bookshop, I found it very expensive. The price was around Rs. 600 and I
did not have enough money to buy it.
But teacher gave us one week to
prepare exercises and solve the sums from workbook. I was worried because this
task carried assessment.
I approached my best friend and
asked her to give me the book for 3 days so that I could prepare my assignments
from the book. My friend did not refuse me but she told me to wait for three days
so that first she could prepare her assignment. She did so and after 3 days, she
gave me the book. I completed my work from the book in the next 3 days on my
notebook and finally on the 7th day, I submitted the papers.
I remember that my friend
extended me great help by giving me the book for few days. I thanked my friend
and I admit she was really a nice person.
Later on, my friend borrowed a
white dress for wearing in the school function. I think, helping each other is important
in friendship.
So this was the time when I
borrowed a workbook from my friend.

(For boys)

There are times we are unable to
afford something and we try to borrow it to fulfill our need. During my
schooling, I had borrowed things from my friends and cousins many times. One
such incident is when I borrowed Economics book from my friend.
Actually in school, in 10th
class, our teacher advised us to buy a supplementary workbook. When I checked
it at a bookshop, I found it very expensive. The price was around Rs. 600 and I
did not have enough money to buy it.
But teacher gave us one week to
prepare exercises and solve the sums from workbook. I was worried because this
task carried assessment.
I approached my best friend and
asked her to give me the book for 3 days so that I could prepare my assignments
from the book. My friend did not refuse me but he told me to wait for three
days so that first he could prepare his assignment. He did so and after 3 days,
he gave me the book. I completed my work from the book in the next 3 days on my
notebook and finally on the 7th day, I submitted the papers.
I remember that my friend
extended me great help by giving me the book for few days. I thanked my friend
and I admit he was really a nice person.
Later on, my friend borrowed a
white dress for wearing in the school function. I think, helping each other is
important in friendship.
So this was the time when I
borrowed a workbook from my friend.


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