Sentence making

Sentences with “When”

Learn sentences with “when” to make questions as well as complex sentences (as conjunction)

Sentence making

Sentences with “Where”

If “where” is in the beginning of a sentence, it is a question.If it is not in the starting then It is a conjunction to combine two sentences to make a complex sentence.Learn sentence-making for IELTS in easy steps at City Coaching Centre, Malerkotla

Sentence making

Sentences with What

If “what” is in the beginning of a sentence, most probably it is a question.Otherwise it is used as a conjunction – to combine two sentences to make complex sentences.Learn sentence-making in easy steps at City Coaching Centre, Malerkotla

Sentence making

Sentences with who / whom / whose

Do Not Start a Sentence with Which or Who Unless it is a Question. Learn how to make sentences with who, whom, use correctly.

Sentence making

Sentences with “can” and “could”

Learn how to use Can using many example sentences.Check detailed list with meanings mentioned in Punjabi. For any questions, click whatsapp icon and ask.

Sentence making

Perfect Continuous Sentences

You can learn perfect continuous sentences so easily here. Learn how to maintain grammar accuracy in IELTS writing and speaking. Attend live classes at City for more interactive learning.

Sentence making

Perfect Sentences

Learn Perfect Sentences.Find here detailed list of such sentences along with explanation in Punjabi.

Sentence making

Continuous Sentences

These are very common type of sentences, you should be able to use these sentences accurately for higher scores in IELTS.Learn how to form these sentences.

Sentence making

Indefinite Sentences

These are the most common type of sentences in any language which tell about habits, routine or repititive works.

Sentence making

Sentences without verb ( has/have/had)

Sentences without Verb- has/have /had. Example: I have a book


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