Checking your performance through pre-IELTS tests or Mock Tests under real like examination conditions is essential and beneficial to know the level of your English Language for IELTS and your expected bands in IELTS.
No need to waste 13250/- .Check level of your English for IELTS and Expected bands by appearing in Reality IELTS test conducted Every week at City Coaching centre. Just register for IELTS reality test / mock test, book your seat and Speaking test timing with us by paying Rs. 300/- at Desk in our Office or through PayTm 9814085786.If you pay by PayTm, send a message on 9814085786 , mentioning your Name, Address, Phone Number, Test Choice date, Preferred mode of getting results (by Phone SMS,Whatsapp or Paper).
Post results of your reality IELTS test, you can have free discussions to know your strengths/weakness in writing task 1 & 2 , speaking of you.Great opportunity to check your IELTS preparation, expected bands with present level of English Language skills and accordingly optimizing your preparation for IELTS.
Let’s talk ? Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form.