
Difference between “So” and “So That”

Know the difference between so and so that.As a conjunction, ‘so’ is used to show the effect or result.As a conjunction ‘so that’ is used to talk about purpose


Sentences with BECAUSE

Learn through example sentences how to use BECAUSE accurately.English sentences with Punjabi translation are given for easy understanding.


Sentences with TAKE

Learn through example sentences how to use TAKE accurately.English sentences with Punjabi translation are given for easy understanding.


Sentences with MAKE

Learn through example sentences how to use MAKE accurately.English sentences with Punjabi translation are given for easy understanding.


Phrasal Verbs List

Phrasal verbs are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverb or verb + preposition. Think of them as any other English vocabulary. Study them as you come across them, rather than trying to memorize many at once. Check here most common phrasal verbs with meaning and examples.

Articles Learning Tips

How long does it take to prepare for IELTS?

How much time you require for your IELTS preparation depends on a variety of factors, including your target score, your mock test results and the amount of time you can dedicate to studying.Read the full article to plan well for your IELTS exam.


Change your thoughts, change everything!

And now turns out that stress is the biggest problem nowadays. The problem that fear generate stress is responsible for up to 90% of all disease. We have to learn to let go off the fear. Consciousness needs to change. It is Chronic fear chemistry itself that is the cause of the problem. Change your mind, you change the chemistry and therefore you become empowered.

English Learning

English Essays (74 topics)(Easy)

This is collection of 74 Essay topics which will help you to improve and upgrade your English as well as knowledge on various topics of general importance.

Articles English Learning

Collection of 100 English Essays/articles

Page 1 This is a collection of 100 beautiful essays in English.Each essay is good for reading. I hope you will find the essays interesting and knowledge giving. Make a schedule to read one or two essays/articles daily to keep improving your English language. There are total 10 web pages , each containing 10 essays.You […]

Conversation Exercises

Conversation Exercises ( HOLIDAYS)-Intermediate / Advance Level

Do you need to practise your English more? Do you want to practise having conversations? Improve your daily English conversation skills with a number of of lessons. Learn how to speak English for everyday use. In these conversation exercises, you will also find grammar lessons, question-answers for improving your English language. CHAPTER 24 –   […]


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