Essays Volume 8 part 1

IELTS Essay 58 Volume 8 Part 1: Pressure on the school and university students is increasing and students are pushed to hard work when they are young.

Pressure on the school and university students is increasing and students are pushed to hard work when they are young. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

It is irrefutable that the burden on school and university pupils is burgeoning and they have to work very hard at a young age. This situation has both positive and negative effects. A balance needs to be created in which parents and teachers have a big role. In the following paragraphs, I shall discuss the issue in depth.

Pressure on students is increasing because of many reasons. Firstly, today we belong to a highly competitive era. Students need to get good scores to get into a good college. To add to it, higher education is very costly and students need to do part time work to fund their education. What is more, sometimes parents push children to adopt those subjects in which the child has no aptitude. This also creates tension on the mind of the students.

This is a positive development because the habit of working hard right from early years makes them realise the dignity of labour and they are better placed in life later on. Secondly, they do not indulge in any violence and crime and drugs. This is because they don’t have time for such activities. Finally, if they work hard in early years they will develop a sound career and will have a happy and contented later life.

It is a negative development because it leads to stress and strain. Sometimes, students cannot strike a balance between work and leisure which may result in boredom. Secondly, when students face failures or can’t cope with the pressures they can have suicidal tendencies. Students also face stress if they are forced to choose a course against their wishes.

On balance, I believe that being pushed to hard work is a positive development. However, parents and teachers need to do proper counselling and guide them properly. Aptitude of the student needs to be given consideration. Alternate career choices should be explained to both parents and children


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