IELTS online Library IELTS-Cue-cards

IELTS Cue card 29: A time when you heard a stranger talking over phone

A time when you heard a stranger talking over phone

A time when you heard a stranger talking over phone

I think, it is not a good adequate to
hear someone else’s conversation. but, sometimes the other person is talking
over phone so loudly that we cannot escape listening to that conversation. the
same thing happened with me when I was travelling by a bus last month. a person
was sitting next to me. after sometime he got a call and he started speaking
over the phone. he was talking about some routines, diet plans and some
positions also. I guessed that he was talking about some physical exercise. I
was so curious that I could not refrain myself asking him about it. When I
asked, he told me that he was a yoga instructor and he was giving information
to one of his students because the student wanted to know about it over the
phone. Then, I asked him about the suitable diet plan for me and he helped me
with it. He also gave me his number in case I want to know more about the
exercises. So, this was the time when I heard someone talking over a phone and
it came out to be beneficial for me also.


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