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Academic IELTS Writing task 1 ( GR6 ) – The diagram below shows the environmental issues raised by a product

diagram below shows the environmental issues raised by a product over its
the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.You should write at least 150 words.
The given diagram
depicts the life-cycle of a product and the consequences due to its
manufacturing. Generally speaking, most of the seven phases of production have
a direct effect on the environment.
As is observed, the
first step in the product manufacturing is planning and designing according to
the needs. Then, the manufacturer starts to put the materials into action by
consuming the required substances and energy resources, which lead to the third
phase – production. It is clearly seen that these two steps have a direct
impact on the environment. After that, the product undergoes packaging and
distribution to shops and markets. Then, the product is sold to the consumers.
Noting that packaging and sales might include adding covers on the product and
using bags for selling it, which surely have a negative effect on the
environment. Furthermore, after the product is consumed by the customers, it
will have two possible destinations, disposing or recycling. Of course,
disposing of the product makes it a burden to the environment while recycling
it reduces the amount of the materials required for production. Finally,
feed-backs are collected to help the designers in their upcoming plans.

Another Answer: 

The diagram illustrates
environmental issues created by a consumer product during its life-cycle. It can
be clearly seen that there are seven steps in the product manufacturing
process, beginning with planning and design and culminating in recycling and
these steps have negative consequences to the environment.
To begin with, the
product manufacturing begins with the planning and design. Once it is complete,
the next step, consumption of materials and energy resources, takes place which
is followed by manufacturing of the product. These two steps consume natural
resource and emit waste and CO2 which is detrimental to the environment.
Afterwards, the
products are packed, distributed and offered in retail outlets. The products
are unquestionably used by customers who either dispose the product or recycle
it. Disposal of products seriously harms the environment. However, recycling of
the product reduces negative impacts on the ecosystem. Moreover, customers
provide feedback in order to improve the product planning. 


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