IELTS online Library IELTS-Cue-cards

IELTS Cue Card 30 : Describe a time when vehicle you traveling in broke down

Describe a time when vehicle you traveling in broke down

Describe a time when vehicle you traveling in broke down

Nowadays, automobile technology has
advanced a lot and vehicles do not break down so often. But sometimes, we may
expect some failures in machines. The same happened with me. As I am a student,
I need to commute to my institute daily. One day, I started my journey as
usual. But on the way, after covering 5 km, my bike started to make weird
sounds. But I ignored it and continued to drive. After another 5 minutes, my
bike stopped completely. I tried my best to restart it but I couldn’t. Then I
looked around and luckily I got a mechanic. But he was not well trained. He
fixed the ignition plug temporarily. I resumed the journey. On reaching the
city, I got the plug completely replaced by a new one. But, by that time, it
was a delay of about 3 hours. So now, whenever I need to go somewhere, I first
check my vehicle and also give it due service. So, this was the time when my
vehicle broke down and it caused me a lot of inconvenience.


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