IELTS online Library IELTS-Cue-cards

IELTS Cue Card 33 : Talk about a time when you have given advice to someone

Talk about a time when you have given advice to someone

Talk about a time when you have given advice to someone

Nowadays, it is common for people to
give and take advice almost everywhere. I think, a good counseling is the very
much needed element for making a good decision. I also give advice to my friends
and sometimes I listen to them. Recently, I helped my friend when he came to
seek my advice in choosing a phone. Before advising him, I tried to know about
what he would do mostly with the mobile. Since he was a student, he wanted a
phone which would help him in his study. So, the phone must have a calculator,
translator and must be able to open pdf files and e-books. It must also have a
powerful processor to open the large books. So I advised him to buy Redmi note
4 mobile. My friend followed my advice and after utilizing the phone for a
month he was happy and satisfied. He also thanked me for helping him choosing a
suitable phone. So, this was the one incident when I advised my friend.


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