
IELTS Cue Card 56: Describe a goal that you achieved, which was set by yourself

Version 1:

Well I am an ambitious person and I set goals time to time for giving direction to my hard-work. I could achieve some of important goals in my life.

Here I would like to talk about a goal which I set for myself and I achieved it recently. This goal was to finish my higher school education in first division. Actually, upto 8th standard, I was an average student and could never make it to the first division. Though my parents never pressurized me for the higher percentage of marks in school, but I myself felt low at many occasions, especially during annual functions, when first division students were honored.

Even my close friend was good in studies. In 9th class, I improved a little but still I was much behind. Then I asked my parents to arrange me extra tuition. It worked for me and I could improve and upgrade my subject knowledge. I also developed a sense of competition with my class fellows.

Every day, I would be attending classes in schools, also went through extra tuition classes with discipline. It was the time when I actually started enjoying the study. I also participated in yoga classes 5 days a week for 3 years. Finally, in 12th standard, which was last year of schooling, I did hard work. And my efforts paid me off. I scored 80% marks which were sufficient to make first division. My teachers and parents were happy over my result. I was honored on annual day school function also.

While working on my goal, I learnt how to manage time. I also learnt to do hard work. No doubt, when we set a goal, we need a methodology to work on it. We need motivation and energy. With continuous efforts, we can achieve our goal. Working on a goal is a journey of learning.

So this was the goal that I achieved.

Another Version 2:

Well I am an ambitious person and I set goals time to time for giving direction to my hard-work. I could achieve some of important goals in my life.

Here I would like to talk about a goal which was once my dream and I achieved it recently. This goal was to become a civil engineer and I had been dreaming about it since my childhood. I loved technical things; I loved doing practical with machines and gained knowledge from books. I was interested in science. So, I wanted to make my future in science field.

When I completed my secondary education then I took admission In Bachelor of technology in Gulzar group of institutions khanna. It was the course of 4 years. I put my whole efforts and did lots of hard work for gaining knowledge and experience in the study of civil engineering. I had faced a number of hassles during graduation.

Most of the people advised me not to go for civil engineering as because in my country, it is assumed that civil engineering is a field for boys only. I did not lose hope; I did not care about negative vibes of such people. I was interested in the construction work. Whenever I saw the construction work of buildings, bridges and road then I wanted to know about it. Luckily, my families always supported and cooperated with me all the time.

I belong to lower middle class family so it was quite difficult for me to buy books and other study material. To fulfill these needs, I did part-time job. I learnt how to manage time for both-study and job.

I focused on my destination and eventually I have completed my graduation with 76 percent. This journey influenced me a lot. It made me capable to face hard situations and build my confidence on myself.

So this was the goal that I achieved.


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