speaking part 3 (follow up questions)

IELTS Speaking part 3-follow up questions-Volume 1- (Page 11-20)


•  What widely consumed food products are mainly imported into your country?

Well, Australia is not a self-sufficient country in foods and thus requires importing foods from the other countries and world market. The most notable foods it imports include fruits, processed fruits, seafood, different types of vegetables etc. Though the vegetable production amount is notable, it needs to be imported for the huge consumption level. Vegetables are dominant in many of the Australian homes in line with the non-vegetable elements. Interestingly, Australia grows almost all types of agricultural products but it needs to import some specific products like processed fruits. Though the processed fruits are widely consumed by the citizens, there is no fruit processing industry in the state and thus the imports have turned into a profitable business for some of the Australians.

•  Do you think it’s important that a country is self-sufficient in food?

Umm! I think it is impossible for a country to be self-sufficient in food production. But it is important to be because when a country starts importing foods from the other countries, the prices of the imported goods get a hike naturally. Then it becomes impossible for the ordinary citizens to get the foods. Only for geographical disadvantages, a country becomes infertile or unable to grow all sorts of agricultural products. The country deprived of the food products may replace the lacking with import and thereby, I do not think that it is important for a country to be self-sufficient in food production.

•  Besides food and the product you mentioned earlier, what else is made in your country?
Well, Australia is a country which produces more other products. The most notable elements are wool, sugar cane, poultry, nuts, cereal etc. A large portion of the wool comes from the lamb industry. Poultry farms help meeting the poultry needs of the country. Fruit like apple is another important source of agriculture. Vast tracts of lands are used for apple production. But sometimes the productions are hampered by some specific disorders like droughts and deforestation. But in the recent years, there are no such disorders found. Australia exports its dairy products in the world and is considered as one of the influential entities in producing dairy and agricultural products.


•  Do you think the globalisation of industry and commerce is a good thing?

My view on the issue may be different. I actually do not believe that the globalisation of industry and commerce is good for the countries. There are few reasons behind my belief. Firstly, when an industry is transferred to the other countries for globalisation, it actually loses its uniqueness. Besides, the quality of the produced also gets down. For instance, you are skilled in making sculptures and you have an industry in your own country. I am unskilled about the making or process and if I am to replace you suddenly, the results will be worst for my being novice. The issue about the industry is the same. When a traditional industry is shifted to another country or culture, it is a bit difficult for that industry to survive. So, it appears to me that the idea of globalisation, especially in the commerce and industrialisation, is not good to some extent.

•  Do you think every country should make everything it needs or should it import some things?

Um! This is a very technical question to answer. It actually differs in certain cases. As I said earlier that it is impossible for a country to be self-sufficient, it is possible for the country to be moderately able enough to support the needs of the country. Definitely, it is impossible for a country to be self-reliant from every aspect but it could produce the necessary things it needs in a sufficient quantity and sometimes it could also sell the excessive produces to meet its own needs. When the unused parts of the productions will be exported, it is expected that the costs for import could be adjusted to some level.

•  What are the disadvantages of a country producing everything it needs?

This is true that a country is unable to produce all the things it needs but if it is done in some cases, there would be some negative impacts on the overall economy, I think. When a country will be self-reliant, it will not need any more to import anything from the world market and as a result, the relationships with the other countries will be reduced. Besides, the products inside the country will be cheaper and smuggling of different products which are not produced at all in the country may rise to some larger extents. The currency rate may also fail which will lead to an economic disorder in the country.


•  Is it important to conserve old buildings? Why?

Well, I do not think that this is important to conserve the old buildings. It is true that they are our heritage but sometimes we need space for the newer things. Usually, the old buildings are larger in size and shape. In most of the cases, the buildings are of no use at all. They are only kept as showpieces for people. If modern structures are built replacing the old buildings, then I think the newer one could accommodate more people inside the building. Besides, the spaces used to make modern buildings is smaller compared to the old ones, the empty spaces could be used for some other purposes. Many of the people are of the view that the old buildings contain large gardens and those may also get destroyed with the demolitions of the structures. But if the gardens are re-built with the modern structures covering large spaces, I think that would look more beautiful than the former one.

•  Is the history useful for the coming generations? Why?

This is a vital question. History is not that much useful for the coming generations as much the importance of history is considered, I think. Many of you could have different views in this fact and I humbly admit the logic. But, history actually helps to make people aware of the past issues and mostly focus on different types of movements, revolutions etc. History helps to make people aware and take lessons from the past events. It reveals the mistakes and advises not to do the same mistake twice. Interestingly, there are no such practices or situations found in the current days. So, we do not need to learn from the history. Thereby, I think history is less useful to the young generations. But it should be acknowledged that the coming generation should be aware of the histories of their respective countries. It is helpful to make them conscious of their own origins.


•  What is the difference between houses built in the past and now?

Well, there are some basic differences in the houses built in the past and present. The houses in the past were made with ample space. Usually, the rooms were wide and spacious. There were options for natural lightings. In most of the cases, the houses were one storied and had a large rooftop where people used to plant different plants and had gardens before the open space of the house. Many of the houses were built with porches that lead to the main entrance. But the houses built in the present days are a bit dissimilar. The number of multistoried buildings is more in the current days. Besides, the rooms are not that much spacious as it was supposed to be. There are no porches rather the modern houses have underground garages to park vehicles. Most of the houses are stretched to the upwards due to lack of space and thus the majority of such buildings have no greens with them.

•  What are the differences in sizes of houses? Why?

Size matters most for building a house. In the past days, the spaces to build a house were more comparing the current days. The most important cause to have more space was the less population. With the advancement of time, the global population has also increased to the greatest extent. So, it is becoming tougher to accommodate the population. As a result, most of the lands are being used to make houses and even the arable lands are also used in some parts of the world to accommodate the growing population. When you are to accommodate a large group of people, surely you will be in need of large spaces. But, in the past days, the population was limited while the spaces were more. People had more individual lands where they have built houses in large open spaces with suitable facilities. But in the current days, the lands are fragmented and have made the spaces limited due to the overpopulation in different parts of the world and accordingly, the houses are being made with smaller shapes to accommodate the growing population.

•  Do you prefer a big or a small house? Why?

To be frank, I prefer to live in a small house with some specific conditions. The house must be served with modern amenities. In fact, I am habituated to live in a small house and small room in a corner will do fine for me. Living in a large house appears unusual to me. I do not love empty spaces whereas most of the large houses own some sort of empty spaces. Besides, I feel uncomfortable with the large house in night times as I have experienced are some spooky environments in a large house. Besides, modern facilities are absent in the large houses (like – there are no attached toilets). So, I prefer to live in a small modern house.


•  Is it important to conserve old buildings? Why?

Well, I do not think that this is important to conserve the old buildings. It is true that they are our heritage but sometimes we need space for the newer things. Usually, the old buildings are larger in size and shape. In most of the cases, the buildings are of no use at all. They are only kept as showpieces for people. If modern structures are built replacing the old buildings, then I think the newer one could accommodate more people inside the building. Besides, the spaces used to make modern buildings is smaller compared to the old ones, the empty spaces could be used for some other purposes. Many of the people are of the view that the old buildings contain large gardens and those may also get destroyed with the demolitions of the structures. But if the gardens are re-built with the modern structures covering large spaces, I think that would look more beautiful than the former one.

•  Is the history useful for the coming generations? Why?

This is a vital question. History is not that much useful for the coming generations as much the importance of history is considered, I think. Many of you could have different views in this fact and I humbly admit the logic. But, history actually helps to make people aware of the past issues and mostly focus on different types of movements, revolutions etc. History helps to make people aware and take lessons from the past events. It reveals the mistakes and advises not to do the same mistake twice. Interestingly, there are no such practices or situations found in the current days. So, we do not need to learn from the history. Thereby, I think history is less useful to the young generations. But it should be acknowledged that the coming generation should be aware of the histories of their respective countries. It is helpful to make them conscious of their own origins.

•  What is the difference between houses built in the past and now?

Well, there are some basic differences in the houses built in the past and present. The houses in the past were made with ample space. Usually, the rooms were wide and spacious. There were options for natural lightings. In most of the cases, the houses were one storied and had a large rooftop where people used to plant different plants and had gardens before the open space of the house. Many of the houses were built with porches that lead to the main entrance. But the houses built in the present days are a bit dissimilar. The number of multistoried buildings is more in the current days. Besides, the rooms are not that much spacious as it was supposed to be. There are no porches rather the modern houses have underground garages to park vehicles. Most of the houses are stretched to the upwards due to lack of space and thus the majority of such buildings have no greens with them.


•  What are the differences in sizes of houses? Why?

Size matters most for building a house. In the past days, the spaces to build a house were more comparing the current days. The most important cause to have more space was the less population. With the advancement of time, the global population has also increased to the greatest extent. So, it is becoming tougher to accommodate the population. As a result, most of the lands are being used to make houses and even the arable lands are also used in some parts of the world to accommodate the growing population. When you are to accommodate a large group of people, surely you will be in need of large spaces. But, in the past days, the population was limited while the spaces were more. People had more individual lands where they have built houses in large open spaces with suitable facilities. But in the current days, the lands are fragmented and have made the spaces limited due to the overpopulation in different parts of the world and accordingly, the houses are being made with smaller shapes to accommodate the growing population.

•  Do you prefer a big or a small house? Why?

To be frank, I prefer to live in a small house with some specific conditions. The house must be served with modern amenities. In fact, I am habituated to live in a small house and small room in a corner will do fine for me. Living in a large house appears unusual to me. I do not love empty spaces whereas most of the large houses own some sort of empty spaces. Besides, I feel uncomfortable with the large house in night times as I have experienced are some spooky environments in a large house. Besides, modern facilities are absent in the large houses (like – there are no attached toilets). So, I prefer to live in a small modern house.


•  Why do you think some people like doing new things?

Well, I think you will agree with me on this point that humans are curious by nature. So, they are always busy in inventing newer things. But the inventions are not always meant for the use rather they are the result of the deep curiosity. When people turn more curious, they try to explore their surroundings and perform newer experiments. When the inventions become useful in some cases, they become happy and keep their activities of doing new things on. Besides, most of the people do new things to meet their thirst for the unknown and the unseen. They usually do new things when they are in a new environment. But there are some other people as well who are reluctant to do new things and it has been found that they are introvert in nature. Further, it is often fun for the people to do new things and I think most of the people do new experiments only for enjoyment.

•  What problems can people have when they try new activities for the first time?

Right you are. There might be several problems when people performing newer things for the very first time. I think it may happen that the entire task may get disturbed seriously. Or the performers may injure themselves. It is quite natural that there would be some mess for anything if that is done for the first time. I have also experienced that the entire project was destroyed for the novices. The first thing the novices may experience is the adjustment with the thing. For instance, if you want to drive or ride a motorbike, initially you might experience some maladjustment with the motorbike riding. If you make some minor accidents and break some of the parts of the motorbike that will be appreciated as well as you are riding for the very first time. But, after a few days, when you will be comfortable with the riding and driving, there would be no such minor accidents. Thereby, I think the adjustment is a big issue in the case of first time.

•  Do you think it’s best to do new things on your own or with other people? Why?

If you want my personal opinion, in this case, I would rather prefer to be in a team instead of making a solo attempt. I think it is best to be in a team in such cases. When you are trying something new, you might have no idea about the thing and there are chances to make mistakes. But if you work with other people, it may happen that someone among the other members is aware of the issue or have some sort of knowledge that may prove helpful. Besides, when you are working alone and if you fail, the entire responsibilities are on you. But if you are in a team or in a group of people, you are not to be blamed alone. Consequently, you won’t be ashamed of the activity. So, I think this is best to work with people.

•  What kinds of things do children learn to do when they are very young? How important are these things?

When the children are young, they mostly learn about the reactions of their surroundings as they see those reactions performed by their parents and family members. If the family is educated and well mannered, the children will learn some amicable behaviours and they will start exercising those with others. But if the children belong to families where there is no peace at all, they will be influenced by negativity. Negative attitudes will influence them and they will apply the ways in their regular life. This is a crucial issue for the children and helps them to grow socially. When they will learn some of the best social practices from their family, they will apply the practices in their surrounding and finally, they will have some good friends and well reputation. On the other hand, if the initial learning is below standard, it is expected that the children will be out of the track and will grow up without the sense of morality.

•  Do you think children and adults learn to do new things in the same way? How is their learning style different?

Well, the question is a bit grave. The learning style for the adults and the children is almost the same. But there are some basic differences. When the adults learn something new, they usually hide their emotions while the kids cannot hide the emotions and thus they are seen cheerful when they learn new things. There are no notable changes have been found so far regarding the learning style of the adult and the children. Both of them are seen curious in learning and try to be as much attentive as possible for them. Besides, both the learners try to exercise what they have learnt and spend a part of the day to have the practice. So, it is proven that the kids and adults learn new things in almost the same way.

•  Some people say that it is more important to be able to learn new things now than it was in the past. Do you agree or disagree with that? Why?

Yes, I agree with the statement as there are different changes found in the current days. Many of the past things and issues have been changed greatly. So, it is highly important for all to learn about the new things or they will fail to move forward. This is the age of science, technology and newer inventions. Each of the inventions is applicable in human life and been invented to make the life easier than the past days. So, if people remain unaware of the new things or the inventions, it will be detrimental to them in the long run. They will lag behind in the race and their advancement will get a sudden blow as well. Thereby, capacities should be increased to learn about new things and this is important for all, indeed.


•  What are some of the ways people can help others in the community? Which one is most important?

Well, the community is constituted of some people who follow some common rules and share some common views. They have frequent interactions. So, there are a large number of chances to help the others in any specific community. I think the most important thing is spreading education to others. There are many people who are highly educated and on the other hand, the remaining others are uneducated or semi-educated. So, the educated should take responsibility to spread the light of education to the others. Besides, people may fall in distress like they may be in need of financial assistance or any other administrative help to solve some their issues. Here the other community members could contribute. They could contribute with financial assistance or they may help get the desired administrative help if they have any influence over the local administration.

•  Why do you think some people like to help other people?

Thanks for such an impressive question. There are a wide number of people around us and most of them are not willing to help the others instead they try taking advantages. But there are some people who really want to help others and I think their families are responsible for growing such an adorable mentality. You know, a family is the first educational institution for the children and most of the social learning they receive is from their respective families. So, when we see a positive attitude among them, it should be acknowledged that the attributives are the gift of their families. Besides, there are some other people who like to help others, naturally and they do not need any learning for that. They are great people, indeed but the number of such people is less in the existing context.

•  Some people say that people help others in the community more now than they did in the past. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

The statement is partially correct and I do not completely agree with this. It appears to me that people were more helpful in the past days in a community and now many of them have become self-centred. They do not actually care for others unless they also suffer from the same problems. But in the past days, when one of the community members fell in distress or experienced some disorders, others used to rush to help him or her. But what is the situation in the current day? I think you will agree with me that most of the time people are engaged with their social accounts and checking-in to places they travel to. The bonding among the community members has been slacked off for several reasons. It also happens that a tenant in a flat is unaware of the neighbours. Everything has been mechanised. So, I think people helped each other in the past days than the current days.


•  What types of services, such as libraries or health centres, are available to the people who live in your area? Do you think there are enough of them?

In my locality, Hyderabad in India, there are no such facilities. We do not have any common library for the use of all the people. But there are some health centres in some places, and they are not enough for the people living there, I think. There are two health centres in my locality and mostly they serve for pregnancy and family planning. But the centres should also deal with some other issues like water, sanitation and hygiene. Besides, the numbers of staffs in the centres are not enough. Each of the health centres has only five staffs including two doctors (one male and another female). But they cannot provide the required service to the patients there. Moreover, I feel the necessity of a public library and the local people have been appealing for past few years to the local administration to establish a library centre, but there are no initiatives at all.

•  Which groups of people generally need the most support in a community? Why?

Usually, the senior citizens of a community are the most vulnerable section. They have served the nation and with the passage of time, they are now unable to do something for their living. Thus, they are in great need of support in a community. Being aged, they lose the ability to work for their living and has to rely on their family and the community. But unfortunately, in most of the cases, they are denied their rights. They lack access to social safety nets or in any other supportive events initiated by the public and private organisations as they are unable to interact with them. So, they are in need of support than any other groups in a community.


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