FAQ Learning Tips

One terrible mistake that most IELTS students make

Many IELTS students say ‘I have already done a lot of IELTS tests, but I cannot see any progress. I feel so helpless. Why is that so? Today we will shed light on this issue. Please read the article very carefully before you start doing IELTS listening and reading practice tests.

Many IELTS students say ‘I have already done a lot of IELTS tests, but I cannot see any progress. I feel so helpless. Why is that so? Today we will shed light on this issue. Please read the following information very carefully before you start doing IELTS listening and reading practice tests.

The majority of students, and, probably, you are one of them, do IELTS tests in the following way. Let’s take listening or reading, for example. They play the recording, answer the questions, then take the answer key and check their answers. In the same way, they do the reading test, get the answer key and check the answers.Some answers are correct, and they have a feeling of accomplishment. Some answers are incorrect. So, they look at the correct answer and say ‘Oh, yeah, I see’ and take another test.

What is good? If you do like this, you will test yourself and know your band score in terms of the IELTS scale.

What’s bad? This approach would not get you anywhere! This approach would not help you improve your skills. Remember that you develop your listening and reading skills only when you challenge your brain. Your brain starts working only when you don’t know the correct answer. You get the best results when you work on questions that you answered incorrectly yourself. And the only thing you should know is that you answered incorrectly. But you mustn’t know what the correct answer is.

Make a proper plan to improve your English so that you become able to have more of correct answers in the Mock tests.Know where you are lacking in English and work up the plan.

In the same way, many IELTS students keep on writing essays, but rarely pay attention knowing the type of errors and make no plan to learn further level of English to improve writing.

Write essays, get it checked from an IELTS writing expert, and then know your mistakes, make a study plan accordingly to reduce errors and improve writing.Go through English lessons, work out on grammar and attempt as many essay topics as possible.

Do you see our point? So, how should you do IELTS reading and listening tests? Have a good time preparing for IELTS! Remember to write essays, do IELTS reading and listening tests, practise IELTS speaking every day!


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