Essays Volume 8 Part 3

Essay Volume 8 Part 3 Topic 326-EV8P2T326

Animals should not be used for the benefit of human beings unless there is evidence that the animals do not suffer in any way.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is a lot of controversy about using animals for human needs. Animal rights activists are trying to stop all modern and traditional activities, which involve killing animals or cause their suffering. Traditionalists are trying to convince the community that using living creatures for men’s needs is natural and cannot be avoided in everyday life. In this essay, we will explore this subject.

Activists, who defend animal rights, are telling the world that people should not use animals in any way. Moreover, they say that animals should have exactly same rights as humans do. The reason is that people and animals are both living creatures and there shouldn’t be any difference in treating them. So-called extreme vegans are refusing to eat any food of animal origin, even milk or honey. They are trying to convince people to do the same using as an argument that killing animals and keeping them in captivity cause their suffering and not civilised.

Traditionalists disagree with the statement that human should stop killing animals or using them to fulfil their needs. From the very beginning of human civilisation, there is a tradition and vital need to use animals as a food and their parts in traditional crafts. Without proteins and vitamins of animal origin, the human body wouldn’t receive all nutrients it needs. Moreover, testing some medicals on animals already helped to fight many diseases people suffered from.

I think, people have the moral right to use animals to their benefit, to some extent. I am sure, we should not cause them suffer and die for our fun. Although, using animals for food is natural for humans as predators, but as civilised predators, we should make sure to use only humane ways of killing.

Alternative Answer:

‘Animal rights’ is a controversial issue nowadays and many animals are being used for our food, recreational activities, research purposes and so on. Many people blame the inhuman action towards the animals while some others believe that the human kind has the right to use animals for a greater good. This essay delves with both these views in details.

To begin with, animals are used widely for research purposes. After the invention of a new medicine, they are tested in animal bodies. These experiments are invasive and often have terrific reactions. Supporters of animal rights believe that animal bodies are not same as human bodies and these experiments are misleading the results. Furthermore, animals are being killed for food even though there are more food sources. Thus people with this view consider inhuman act is non-justifiable.

In contrast, others believe that humans are the Supreme Being on the earth and they have the right and power to control and utilise animals. They believe that animals have less importance comparing to the human. Medical research is conducted only in animals and the result makes it possible to test that in a human body. These experiments give more and more benefits in the field of medicine. So animals can be used for the benefits of the human kind.

To put it in a nutshell, animals are also the living creatures, having the same right to live on the earth. Killing the animals for human benefits is cruel and uncivilized.


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