IELTS Speaking part 1 questions speaking intro questions

IELTS Speaking part 1- intro questions Volume 2 (page 1-10)

1. Advertisements

Do you like advertisements?

I like certain advertisements, especially those which have cute animals in them. I think that these ads are very effective at getting products and services recognised by the public. However, I think that

there are too many ads on TV, in magazines and on the streets, so generally I don’t like advertisements very much.

2. Ages

When do people usually get married in your country?

I think that people generally get married in their late twenties, but there are many people who marry much earlier – even while they are still in their teens. On the other hand, there are some people who

marry in their thirties or even do not marry at all. I think that the trend in recent years has been to marry later.

3. Ambitions

Do you think that you are an ambitious person?

Not really. Most of my friends are much more ambitious than I am. They often set themselves goals for each year. I used to do this, but I was not good at achieving the goals, so I don’t do it now.

However, some people seem to become obsessed with their ambitions and forget about enjoying life.

4. Animals

Do you often visit zoos or wildlife parks?

When I was a child, my parents used to take me to zoos and wildlife parks, but now I hardly ever go. I used to enjoy watching the different animals at zoos and wildlife parks, but now I have other interests.

I only go if any of my young relatives want to go.

5. Art

What form of art do you like most?

My favourite is photography. I enjoy both taking photographs and looking at photos that other people have taken. For the latter, I can find some really stunning photos online or go to a gallery to see an exhibition. I particularly like looking at photographs that have been taken at strange angles or where the photographer has used filters or a computer programme to change the colours.

6. Bicycles

When do you ride a bicycle?

I ride a bicycle in spring, summer and autumn, as long as it is not raining or too cold or windy. In those seasons, I usually ride a bicycle to and from work. It’s usually faster than taking a bus because of the traffic jams during rush hour. Next year, there will be a subway station near my home, so might become a little lazy and go to and from work by subway rather than by bicycle.

7. Birds

Are there many birds where you live?

Yes. I can see birds in my neighbourhood all day. Most of them are sparrows, feeding on bits of food that have fallen to the ground, but occasionally there are magpies. A few of my neighbours keep pigeons and there are a few elderly gentlemen who keep birds in cages and walk with them in nearby parks. I don’t know what kinds of birds they keep.

8. Birthdays

What kind of presents do you get people for their birthdays?

I usually buy something that I’m pretty sure the person is interested in. For example, my father likes history, so I usually get him a history book or DVD whilst my mother likes going to the theatre, so I often get her tickets to a performance. I find it very difficult to decide what to get children for their birthdays, so I usually seek advice from their parents.

9. Books

Who is your favourite writer?

My favourite writer is an American author named Tom Clancy. He generally writes thrillers, though he has also written non-fiction. His stories are mostly about politics, the military and spies. Of course, in his books there are plenty of heroes and villains, but sometimes the villains are partly successful, so you never quite know how the story will end. Several of his books have also been made into successful films.

10. Buildings

What kind of buildings do you like?

As a general rule, I prefer older buildings to more modern ones. The main reason is because older, historic buildings usually have some nice decorative features, such as animals. In contrast, modern buildings often look quite boring and less imaginative. However, some modern buildings, like the new CCTV building in Beijing, look unusual and make me wonder how they could be built.

11. Change

How has your life changed in recent years?

The main way in which it has changed is because I have finished high school and started university.

As I now live away from my parents, I am more independent. The biggest difference is that studying at high school involved much more work whereas now I have a little more free time to develop my interests. At university there are many clubs that enable students to do this.

12. Cities

Do you like living in a city?

Generally, I prefer living in a city to living in the countryside. There are more things to do, especially with regard to entertainment. Also, the job opportunities are better, especially if you want to work for an international company. However, living in the countryside has some advantages. The air is much cleaner and I love going for walks in the countryside.

13. Clothes

Is the brand of clothes important to you?

No. I really have no interest in which brand of clothes I buy. To be honest, I usually cannot see very much difference in quality between the cheap brands and the expensive ones. When I buy clothes, I

want them to feel comfortable and look good. I don’t really follow fashion and so I don’t see any reason to pay the high prices that fashionable brands charge.

14. Collecting

How do you get things for your collections?

Well, I collect stamps and it’s very easy to find them because so many people collect them. First of all, I can buy new stamp issues from the post office. I often get stamps from people who sell them in

the market not far from my home. Occasionally, I buy stamps online, but I usually prefer not to do this because I like to see exactly what I am paying for first. Of course, my friends and relatives know I collect stamps, so they often give some to me.

15. Computers

How “computer literate” are you?

I think I’m pretty good at using the most basic programmes, like Word, PowerPoint and Excel. I use these programmes regularly at work. However, I have never taken a course in using computers or computer programmes. I cannot write programmes or anything like that. Of course, I can easily use a computer to surf the Internet.

16. Cooking

Have you ever thought about learning to cook?

Yes, I have. I think I should improve my ability to cook tasty, healthy food. I didn’t learn to cook at school and it wasn’t a priority at home. At university, I can eat cheaply and conveniently at the canteen, but when I graduate I think I will need to cook for myself more often. I sometimes watch cookery programmes on TV, but classes would probably be better. Nowadays, there are more and more places where you can do this.

17. Crime

What do you do to protect yourself and your home from thieves?

To protect my home from thieves, I make sure that all windows are locked before I go out and I check that I have locked the main door properly. When I am out, I carry valuable objects, such as my mobile phone and wallet, in inside pockets where it is harder for thieves to reach. I often ride a bike, so I also make sure that I leave it locked in places where there is an attendant.

18. Cultural Events

Do you often go to cultural events?

I sometimes go to art exhibitions, as my girlfriend is very interested in them. She likes art very much, but I find that only some exhibits interest me. I don’t like going to the theatre and I have never been to the opera, though a friend went recently and told me that it was amazing, so I might go in the future.

19. Daily Routines

Which part of your daily routine do you like best?

My favourite part of my daily routine is the evening meal with my family. We usually share in preparing the meal and talk about our days while we do so. Very often, at least one of us has a funny story to tell. Then we sit and eat together and talk about what we want to watch on TV that evening or what we hope to do the next day.

20. Dancing

How often do you go dancing?

I hardly ever go dancing nowadays. When I was at university, I used to go to clubs with my friends and we’d dance there, but now when I go to a club, I just sit and chat with people. I have never been very good at it, but I enjoy watching other people having fun dancing.

21. Drawing and Painting

Do you ever draw or paint now?

I never paint. I haven’t painted since I was at school, because I have absolutely no talent for it. I’m not much good at drawing either, but I do occasionally draw small diagrams to explain things to people or doodle when I’m bored. I’ve never been good at any kind of art.

22. Driving

Can you drive a car?

I learnt to drive when I was 18. I found it quite difficult, especially forcing myself to constantly check not only what I was doing but what other road users were doing. After years of practise, I now do this automatically. I think that driving a car is one of the most important practical skills for an adult to have nowadays.

23. Education

What was your favourite subject at high school?

I loved geography, because it involved finding out about all kinds of different places around the world. We learnt about the various climates, about the vegetation and animals that lived in those climates, and about the different groups of people who live there. I also liked memorising some basic facts about countries, such as the capital cities and the currencies they use.

24. Email

Do you generally receive more emails than you send?

Yes, I do. I write and receive emails most days, but there are some emails that I do not need to answer. In addition, like almost email users, I get many spam emails which I delete whenever I see them. I guess that, on average, I send two or three emails each day and receive twice that number.

25. The Environment

What do you do to protect the environment?

I think that I do several things. First, I use public transport rather than using a car or even a taxi. Second, I keep some materials for recycling, such as plastic bottles, tin cans and cardboard boxes.

There is a place near my home where I can take these recyclable items and get paid a small amount in return. I also try to use fewer chemical products when I’m cleaning my home. If you check online, you can find several natural alternatives.

26. Family

What kind of work do members of your family do?

My father is a civil servant. He works for the Foreign Ministry in Beijing. His job is to make arrangements for foreign businesspeople who come to China to invest in our economy. He helps with hotels and transport in particular. My mother is a doctor. She works at a large hospital in my district. She specialises in treating skin diseases.

27. Festivals

Do you celebrate any foreign festivals?

I buy roses for my girlfriend on 14th February – St. Valentine’s Day – and we usually go somewhere in the evening, like a restaurant. Since I’ve been at university, my friends and I and our girlfriends have had a party on Christmas Day, but I don’t think we really celebrate Christmas. It’s just an excuse to have a party rather than a celebration of anything religious.

28. Films/Movies

How often do you watch films?

I suppose I watch films twice a week, on average. It mainly depends on how much free time I have and whether I can find a film that looks interesting. Recently, I’ve been quite busy, so I have had little time for my hobbies, including watching films. I usually watch films in the late evening. At that time, I’m too tired to do any work, so a film is a good way to relax.

29. Flowers

Does anyone in your family like growing flowers?

Yes, my grandmother loves growing flowers. She also grows her own vegetables and has a few fruit trees in her garden. She lives in the countryside near Beijing and has a small plot of land around her house. I don’t know the names of the flowers, but their colours – blue, red, yellow and pink – make her little garden look very beautiful in spring, summer and autumn.

30. Food

Who cooks the food in your home?

In the morning, we prepare our own breakfasts, as we often get up and leave the flat at different times. On weekdays, we eat lunch near work, but at weekends we generally prepare a little snack together at home. In the evenings, my mother usually cooks, but my father often does the cooking at the weekends.

He likes cooking and it gives my mother a break.

31. Friends

Do you spend more of your free time with friends or family?

Well, I’m studying at university in a different place to my hometown, so I certainly spend much more time with my friends than with my family. I hardly see my family during the academic year, but they visit once or twice a year if they have time. During holidays, I go home, but I don’t spend all the time at home, because I like to travel a little. If I stayed at home for the whole of the holidays, I would still be alone most of the day as my parents both work.

32. Fruit and Vegetables

Where can you buy fruit and vegetables near your home?

Near my home, you can buy fruit and vegetables either at the supermarket or from people who have stalls on the street. I usually buy from the stallholders because, although the produce is a little more expensive, the quality is much higher. Also, I like to think that I’m helping the small businesspeople as they compete with larger companies.

33. Games

Which is your favourite game?

My favourite game is Monopoly – the famous board game. I play it with friends and with family members. My mother really likes it, partly because she is a real estate agent. We usually play at weekends if we all have free time, but I sometimes play it with my friends during the week. Although I enjoy this game very much, I must admit that it can sometimes take a long time to play.

34. Gardens and Parks

What can people do in the parks near your home?

Most people go to the park to walk around and chat with their friends and family, but there are plenty of other activities. Some people walk their dogs. In the mornings there are usually groups of elderly people doing tai chi. When the weather is nice, some people might sing and play musical instruments in the parks. There is a pond in one of the parks and, during the summer, I have seen a few young men playing with remote control boats on it.

35. Gifts

Do you often give gifts to people?

Yes, I do. I buy gifts for my closest friends and my immediate family on their birthdays and at Spring Festival. Then I buy my girlfriend presents if I see something I think she might like. When I buy presents for people, I try to find something that will find useful. This can be a little difficult, so I often buy gifts in advance if I see something suitable.

36. Going Abroad Long Term

How have your family and friends supported you in your plans to go abroad?

My parents have supported me mainly by suggesting where and what I might study. Of course, they will also help financially with the cost of going abroad to study. My friends have also supported me by making suggestions about where and what to study. Their advice has often been very useful as they have similar plans and know where to find the latest useful information on courses and visas.

37. Going Out with Friends

Do you prefer to be with a large group of friends or a small group?

I prefer to be with a small group of friends. I find that if I go out with a large group of friends there are too many opinions about what to do, where to go and what kind of food to eat. In this situation, we

often end up slitting into small groups. With small groups, you can easily find time to chat with everyone and maybe even play some simple games. The game ‘assassin’ is popular with small groups of young people at bars.

38. Going Out in the Evenings

Is there enough to do in the evenings in your city?

Here in Beijing, there is plenty for people to do in the evenings. Young people can go to bars and clubs, whilst older people might prefer to go to the theatre. People of all ages can go to the cinema to see the latest Chinese and Hollywood films. Other people might prefer to go to the gym in the evenings. However, most museums and art galleries are not open in the evenings, so people who like them usually have to go during the daytime.

39. Grandparents

Did you have a lot of contact with your grandparents when you were a child?

Yes, it was very common for me to spend weekends and holidays with my grandparents. We used to go out for walks. I remember one of my grandmothers tried to teach me the names of various wild flowers while the other taught me how to sew and knit. My grandfathers were keen on making models, so I would learn to make model aircraft from them.

40. Happiness

When do you experience happiness in everyday life?

Most often I experience happiness when I listen to or watch comedy shows. When I go to the gym, I listen to radio comedy shows while I am exercising. It helps to take my mind off the exercise and makes time go faster. In the evenings, I like to watch a comedy while drinking a beer. I also experience happiness when I am with fun people, such as my friends when we go to a bar together.

41. Healthy Eating

What would you like to change about your eating habits?

My work schedule is not fixed, so I often eat at different times each day. Someone told me that this is unhealthy, but I don’t know if that’s really true. Anyway, I would prefer to eat at more regular times.

Also, I’m one of those people who finds it very hard to resist little treats, like chocolate. I don’t eat too many of them but I think I could try harder.

42. History

Are there any historical sites in your hometown?

Yes, London has numerous historical sites. The ones I would most recommend are the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace and the British Museum. The Tower is a castle near the River Thames and you can see the crown jewels there. Buckingham Palace is world famous as the London residence of the Royal Family. The British Museum is famous for its collections of valuable historical items from all over the world.


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