IELTS Essays Volume 6 IELTS online Library

IELTS Volume 6 Essay 66 (v6e66) : 66) Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business. Others prefer to work for an employer. Would you rather be self-employed, work for someone else, or own a business? Use specific reasons to explain your choice.

66) Some people prefer
to work for themselves or own a business. Others prefer to work for an
employer. Would you rather be self-employed, work for someone else, or own a
business? Use specific reasons to explain your choice.

(a) If given a
choice of working for someone else or being self-employed I would choose the
latter without any hesitation. This doesn’t mean that working for someone else
is in anyway inferior to being one’s own boss. I believe your personality type
and the way you want to live your life are the key factors in making this
To me a life
without thrills and adventures looks unattractive. The myriad challenges and
problems one has to face as a self-employed or businessperson attracts me more
than the relatively secure life of an employee.
I am well aware of the darker sides of my choice. Being your own boss gives you immense
freedom. You are free from undertaking any venture in which you cannot put your
heart, nor will you be troubled by the stumbling blocks of employer disapproval
in the course you believe in. But hand
in hand
with this great freedom comes great responsibility too. The success
of the entire venture or business lies solely upon you, the decision you make
the methods you use to implement them etc. The risk factor is very high and you
have to be prepared to fight against all the destructive, malicious, sudden
rising storms. But the joy you will get from leading a life in your own terms
is worth all the strife. For success tastes sweetest after the toughest battle.
To conclude
I choose the adventurous life of a self-employed or businessperson to the smug
secure life of an employee, I choose to live a life in my own terms, to shine
in use and not to rust.

(b) Although one is
not always lucky enough to have a choice between working for an employer or for
oneself. But it would be great if one has the opportunity to decide so. I would
rather work for an employer than owning a business of my own.
When we own our
business, there is a lot of risk involved in monetary terms. At times due to
market conditions (not really due to a fault of our own), the business might
not do as well. It would even become difficult to survive or cover the basic costs.
The financial loss could really wear you out. This is too much of a hassle and
Another reason
is in one’s own business, there is certainly unlimited number of hours of work
that one has to put specially during the initial setup days. A lot of effort is required to sustain in a competitive
As contrast to this if one is working for an employer, you have sort of fixed number of
working hours. Sometimes if the work
is more, they might vary but usually they remain the same. One has to keep
doing hard work even if the company is not doing well. But if the company goes
broke altogether, there is a chance that one would find a job elsewhere without
bothering much about the financial loss.
Hence, I
think, for me I would rather play safe and work for somebody than bear the
tensions and headaches of my own business.


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