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Random Essay ER9 : Some people think paying taxes is a big enough contribution to their society, while others think people have more responsibilities as members of society than only paying taxes.Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

Some people think paying taxes is a
big enough contribution to their society, while others think people have more
responsibilities as members of society than only paying taxes.Discuss both
views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.
Sample Answer 1:
(Paying tax is a great contribution but NOT the only one that citizens should

It is thought by
some that making a big contribution to the society can sufficiently be done
just by paying taxes, while others argue that other than paying taxes, there
are many more responsibilities which should be fulfilled by people as members
of a society. This essay will elaborate both of the views in detail.
To begin with,
paying taxes is certainly a useful and effective contribution to the society as
it will give financial resources to the authority for the development of a
country. Since the public budget from the taxes is used in all crucial aspects
of a nation, paying taxes is undoubtedly a great contribution for a citizen.
Firstly, it is used to develop infrastructures, like constructing streets,
hospitals, schools, and public facilities including public telephones,
transportations, libraries, amusement parks etc. Furthermore, it is used to pay
salaries of civil servants who work for the government and the society.
Moreover, it can be used to give public subsidies on education, medical
treatment, and fuel prices. Obviously, it is right that from taxes, a
government gets necessary budgets which remarkably ease the progress of the
country. Yet, to create an exemplary contribution in a society, people are
required to take other responsibilities and abide by the rules and laws.
Meanwhile, other
forms of contributions from citizens are really needed to make some positive
changes in a society, particularly in developing countries. Indonesia, for
example, as one of the biggest countries consisting of 34 provinces and have
more than 200 million people. Such countries direly need involvements of
citizens in supporting government initiated programmes, especially by mutual
cooperation as a form of contribution. By doing so, people can directly and
immediately work together to protect their environment like planting trees and
cleaning up their surroundings, as well as protecting the public facilities
which are already available. Being a law-abiding citizen means much than paying
To infer, I am
convinced that while paying taxes is a useful way to contribute to the society,
other social responsibilities have great importance as well.

In the current
economic system of the world, taxes have turned to a vital source of the
national budget. A number of people contend that paying taxes is the fulfilment
of our social responsibilities, while others believe that plenty of burdens
exist to do in the daily life and we should work in those besides paying taxes.
What follows will provide further elaboration on each side along with my own
As the first group
opines, taxes play a considerable impact on improving the society. To clarify
more, public pay taxes, thus tax authorities correctly make decisions to
establish foundations of the society. Take tax payable on selling daily goods
as a relevant example. People pay those taxes each time they purchase
something. Then the government can effectively expense those taxes on
anti-cigarette approaches, survey on well-being which is threatened by smoking,
rehabilitation of smokers, plus set up tree planting program, that will
inadvertently lead to clean atmosphere.
Base on the argument
put forward by the second group, individuals have other responsibilities in
daily life. Protecting environment is being considered as a primary concern of
this people. To explain, prohibiting to discard garbage which is produced by people,
or correctly applying environmentally-frie ndly means of transport have
outstandingly contributed in people’s social corporation. Furthermore, another
factor will be the segmentation of rubbish into some group, such as wet and
dry. All these factors can be widely used by one to take some responsibilities
in society.
From my perspective,
both groups deserve more credit in doing duties in society, accepting monetary
responsibility by frequently paying tax, on business or salary, which is levied
by governments or preserving the environment by respect on on it. Moreover,
governments should perfectly impose strict rules and regulations about
consuming taxes as well as protecting environment too.

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