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Random Essays ER2: Intelligent machines such as robots are widely deployed to take the palace of human beings. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages

Intelligent machines such as robots are widely deployed to
take the palace of human beings. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
In this modern era,
science has achieved enormous success in the field of technology because new
inventions are introduced day by day. Among them, The most important which is
the source of everyone’s attraction is a robot. It is a kind of machine which
resembles the shape of human beings and works according to the instructions
feeds in its memory.
Undoubtedly, robots
took an important place in today world. It is because robots can work for long
hours without tiredness and with more efficiency. It also increases production.
for example, In the printing press, we can feed instructions in robot`s memory
and it automatically accomplishes the task without any break or interference.
Furthermore, only one robot can work in place of a number of workers and as a
result, it can not only saves manpower but saves the time also.
On the other hand, have heard if there are flowers, there are thorns
also likewise, robot has some drawbacks also and among them, the most important
is it creates unemployment. In this materialistic world, everyone 
wants to earn money for future savings but
robot creates problems in their path. Secondly, it is operated by human beings
and has no real intelligence of their own and that’s why sometimes they give
unexpected results.
In conclusion, we can say that whether robots
occupied an important place in the world and are beneficial for us yet they
cannot replace human beings.


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