
Adverbs for higher scores in IELTS

Adverbs are great in writing and oral speech either since they help us to show sophistication. Their understanding and accurate use in IELTS writing and speaking can help to score higher bands in IELTS. Infact, it may be difficult to go above 6 bands, if you do not use adverbs correctly.

Why Adverbs are important for IELTS Writing & Speaking?

Adverbs are essential for any good writer. They help to add emotional depths, clarity, and motives. They can be considered as emojis that help the recipient to get the message correctly with all rendered emotions. In addition, adverbs can bring rhythm and texture to any sentence, making it far better. Sometimes the whole meaning of a sentence hangs upon this or that adverb.

Adverbs are great in writing and oral speech either since they help us to show sophistication. Their understanding and accurate use in IELTS writing and speaking can help to score higher bands in IELTS. Infact, it may be difficult to go above 6 bands, if you do not use adverbs correctly.

Moreover, using adverbs can help us to expand our vocabulary. Adverbs help us to give descriptive details of what you are talking about, showing on your emotions and feelings about the things discussed. It also gives the audience a better understanding of your perspectives and connects to your story completely.

ConceptsPractice Exercises
AdverbsExercise 46
Types of AdverbsExercise 47
Simple AdverbsExercise 48
Interrogative AdverbsExercise 49
Relative AdverbsExercise 50
Adverbs of Affirmation and NegationExercise 51
Adverbs of TimeExercise 53
Adverbs of Place/ PositionAnswer Keys
Adverbs of Manner, Quality, or State
Adverbs of Number and Frequency
Adverbs of Degree/ Extent
Adverbs of Cause or Reason
Adverbs of Effect or Result
Adverbs of Purpose
Adverbs of Concession or Contrast
Adverbs of Condition
Adverbs of Extent
Adverbs of Comparison
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(An adverb is a word which modifies the meaning of a verb, an adjective or another adverb.) He is walking slowly (here “slowly” is adverb).


A. Simple Adverbs

B. Interrogative Adverbs

C. Relative Adverbs

D. Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation

1. Simple Adverbs

(A simple adverb is an adverb that modifies a verb etc. in a simple way.)

(a) Come here, Ram. (b) She wept bitterly.

(c) He gets up early. (d) The cat walks slowly.

2. Interrogative Adverbs

(When adverbs are used in asking questions, they are interrogative adverbs.)

(a) Where are you going? (b) What is your father?

(c) When does the show start? (d) How does the machine work?

(e) How high is the Taj Tower? (f) Why are you late?

What when, where, why, how, how far, how long, how many, how much, how often etc.

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3. Relative Adverbs

(The relative adverbs not only modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs but also, join, sentences. Like relative pronouns they have antecedents which may be either expressed or understood.)

(a) I do not remember where I placed the book.

(b) I know the time when he will come here.

(c) Do you know the reason why he comes here?

(d) This is the reason why he left.

(e) Do you know the time when the Rajdhani Express arrives?

(f) She does not know how he solved the sum.

(g) Show me the house where she was assaulted.

when, where, why, what, how, whatever, whither, wherever, whence etc.

4. Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation

(An adverb of affirmation is an adverb that affirms a statement or fact.

An adverb of negation is an adverb that negates a statement.)

(a) Surely you are right.

(b) I do not know her.

(c) She certainly went.

(d) He will not go there.

(e) I never said so.

(f) Yes, I can climb up the tree.

never, no, not, surely, truly, yes etc.

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1. Adverbs of Time

2. Adverbs of Place/ Position

3. Adverbs of Manner, Quality, or State

4. Adverbs of Number and Frequency

5. Adverbs of Degree/ Extent

6. Adverbs of Cause or Reason

7. Adverbs of Effect or Result

8. Adverbs of Purpose

9. Adverbs of Concession or Contrast

10. Adverbs of Condition

11. Adverbs of Extent

12. Adverbs of Comparison

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1. Adverbs of Time

(An adverb of time tells us at what time or when an action is done.)

(a) He bathes daily.

(b) I shall go tomorrow.

(c) She came here late.

(d) My elder brother died three years ago.

B. Adverbs of time – after, ago, already, always, at present, before, daily, directly, early, immediately,

just, last month/year, late, lately, now, recently, shortly, soon, still, then, today, tomorrow,

yesterday, yet etc.

2. Adverbs of Place/ Position

(An adverb of place tells us where an action is done.)

(a) Go there.

(b) Ram will come here.

(c) My sister is going out.

(d) The baby is playing inside.

B. Adverbs of place–

above, anywhere, somewhere, away, backward, below, down, elsewhere, everywhere, far, beside,

forward, here, hither, in, indoor, inside, near, out, outdoor, outside, there, thither, up etc.

C. Place Where In, what place ?

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3. Adverbs of Manner, Quality, or State

(An adverb of manner tells us how an action is done.)

A. (a) I write neatly.

(b) Read slowly.

(c) She sang beautifully.

(d) This essay is well written.

B. Adverbs of Manner& badly, beautifully, bravely, carefully, certainly, clearly, easily, fast, fluently, hard, ill, legibly, neatly, quickly, slowly, so, loudly, swiftly, tastefully, thus, well etc.

C. Manner – How ? In what way?

4. Adverbs of Number and Frequency

(An adverb of time tells us how often an action is done.)

A.  Adverbs

(a) Ram has not seen Shyam once.

(b) Always speak the truth.

(c) She seldom comes here.

(d) I have told him twice.

B. Number Adverbs- again, always, frequently,

never, often, rarely, scarcely, secondly, seldom, annually, constantly, continuously, daily, fortnightly, generally, hourly, monthly, normally, occasionally, often, periodically, regularly, repeatedly, sometimes, usually, weekly, yearly, once, twice, thrice etc.

C. Number/ Frequency Adverbs- How many times?

How many times?

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5. Adverbs of Degree/ Extent

(An adverb of degree tells us how much something is done.)

A. Adverbs, ‘degree ; quantity’

(a) He is very strong.

(b) You are quite right.

(c) I was hardly ready when he arrived.

(d) The mangoes were almost ripe.

B. Adverbs of Degree or Intensity or Quantity or Range or Extent

Adverbs– almost, altogether, any, as, completely, enough, fairly, far, fully, hardly, much, more, most, partly, perfectly, pretty, quite, rather, scarcely, so, sufficiently, too, very, wholly, badly, barely, deeply, entirely, greatly, just, nearly, only, really, slightly etc.

C. adverbs -How much ? How far ? To what extent ?

6. Adverbs of Cause or Reason

(An adverb of reason tells us why an action is done.)

A. (a) She failed since she had been ill.

(b) We missed the train as we were late.

(c) He was, hence, divided towards other party.

(d) He, therefore, will be happy to see you.

B. Adverbs of reason–since, as, for, why because etc.

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7. Adverbs of Effect or Result

(An adverb of effect tells us the result of an action.)

(a) She therefore left school.

(b) I am hence unable to bear the expense.

(c) They are hence unable to refute the charge.

(d) Consequently, he met with a defeat.

8. Adverbs of Purpose

(An adverb of purpose tells us an expression of purpose.)

A.(a) He went to the bank in order to draw some money.

(b) I work hard so that I may pass.

B. in order to, so that, with a view to, with the intention to, with the purpose of etc.

9. Adverbs of Concession or Contrast

(An adverb of contrast tells us an expression of concession or contrast.)

A.(a) Though he works hard, he has little hope of success.

(b) Although he is rich, he is honest.

‘although’ –Adverbs of concession/ contrast

B. adverbs of concession or contrast- all the same, although, ever if, granting that, however, though, yet etc.

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10. Adverbs of Condition

(An adverb of condition tells us an expression of condition.)

A. (a) Had you run fast, you would have won the race.

(b) If you go to the market, bring a pen for me.

B. Adverbs of condition& as long as, condition that, if, if not, provided that, supposing that, unless

11. Adverbs of Extent

(An adverb of extent tells us an expression of extent.)

A. (a) So far as I could see, there was nothing but sad.

(b) The faster you go, the sooner you could get to the house.

(c) The higher we go, the cooler it is.

(d) The more you work, the more you get.

B. adverbs of extent-as far as, so far as etc.

12. Adverbs of Comparison

(An adverb of comparison tells us an expression of comparison.)

A. (a) He is more intelligent than his brother.

(b) I work more than you do.

sentences  ‘more’  ‘than’ – Adverbs of comparison

B. Adverbs of comparison- as– as, less than, more than, so – as, the least, the most etc.

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Choose the adverb in following sentences and mention its kind:

1. Come in.

2. The Sikhs fought bravely.

3. They were fully prepared.

4. Finally, he had to give in.

5. Wasted time never returns.

6. The bird flew away.

7. You often make mistakes.

8. I am so glad.

9. She visited the zoo in order to make her happy.

10. I always keep my word.

11. Ram read clearly.

12. Never tell a lie.

13. She therefore discontinued his studies.

14. We eat so that we may live.

15. I have met him before.

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1. Positive Degree 2. Comparative Degree 3. Superlative Degree

Rule 1.


Rule 2. : ‘More’ o ‘Most’

CarefullyMore carefullyMost carefully
ClearlyMore clearlyMost clearly
EasilyMore easilyMost easily
HonestlyMore honestlyMost honestly
SlowlyMore slowlyMost slowly
SwiftlyMore swiftlyMost swiftly
SkillfullyMore skillfullyMost skillfully
QuicklyMore quicklyMost quickly

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Rule 3 :        


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(a) I have been reading since 5 O’ clock.

(b) They have been playing since 7 O’ clock.


(a) You are late. (adjective)

(b) He came late last night. (adverb)

(a) He has reached lately.

(b) She has finished her work lately.


(a) He has just gone out.

(b) I have just had dinner.

(a) I just caught the train.

(b) They just managed to leave.

(a) It has just struck five.

(b) It has just struck two.

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(i) Just now –(Present Perfect Tense )

 (a) He has gone just now.

(b) I have arrived just now.

(ii) Just now – (a short time ago) (a moment ago)

Past Indefinite Tense

(a) They left home just now.

(b) Did you hear a noise just now?

(iii) just now -(at this moment)— I am busy just now.


Presently -future action , Presently – (soon), (at present)

(a) He is presently busy.

(b) He will come back presently.

(c) I shall give some money presently.


Direct (straight)

(a) I went direct to my house.

(b) I am coming direct from Delhi.

Directly (at once);

(a) They went to their room directly.

(b) The soldier jumped into the well directly to save a child.

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(a) Are you an early riser? (adjective)

(b) We started early. (adverb)

(a) He arrived early at the meeting.

(b) The chief guest came early.


Soon – after a point of time

(a) He came to see me soon after Ram arrived.

(b) The judge pressed the bell and the peon soon appeared.



(a) Come and see us quickly.

(b) Please do the repair quickly.


(a) She came recently.

(b) They have arrived recently.


At present -(at the present time) Present Tense

(a) At present he is at home. (b) At present I am reading.


Before -(formerly ) Past Indefinite o Present Perfect Tenses

(a) She never saw you before. (b) I have visited this place before.

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13. AGO

Ago -Past Indefinite Tense. Time expression

(a) He came a week ago. (b) It happened long ago.

(a) I received your progress report a few days since.

(b) I received your progress report a few days ago.

14. TOO

(i) Too -(more than required),(excess) ,unpleasant adjectives too hot, too cold, too bad, too dull, too fat, too naughty, too wicked etc. too glad, too happy, too healthy, too pleased

(ii) ‘I am too glad to meet

I am very glad to meet you.

(iii) ‘Too + to infinitive’

(a) It is too hot to go out.

(b) It is too hot to play football.

(c) The old man is too weak to walk.

(d) It is too cold to go for a walk today.

(iv) Too ——— pleasant adjectives

(a) He is too intelligent to be cheated.

(b) This news is too good to be true.

(v) Too

(a) I lost my pen and book too.

(b) He was fined too.

(vi) (a) It is too cold today.

(b) The house is too small for me.

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(i) Very- Positive degree Adverbs/ Adjectives very good, very wise, very lucky, very honest.

(a) Smoking is very harmful.

(b) Ram is a very handsome boy.

(ii) Much – Comparative degree , Adverbs/ Adjectives -much better, much happier, much luckier, much more honest, much wiser.

(a) Ram is much better than Mohan.

(b) You look much happier today.

(iii) Very much– superlative degree

the + very + superlative much + the + superlative

(a) You are the very smartest player in the team.

(b) This is the very best way to proceed.

(c) You are much the smartest player in the team.

(d) Ram is much the best boy in the school.

(iv) Much- past participle

much admired, much amazed, much grieved, much surprised, much confused etc.

(a) He was much confused to read my letter.

(b) Sita is much interested in you.

(v) Very –( Present Participle )-very challenging, very daring, very encouraging, very entertaining, very interesting etc.

(a) The match is very interesting.

(b) This is a very amusing information.

very contented, very dejected, very delighted, very discontented, very drunk, very limited, very tired, very annoyed, very bored, very disappointed, very grieved, very pained, very pleased, very satisfied, very shocked, very surprised, very worried etc.

(a) I was very delighted to hear the news of my success.

(b) I was very pleased to hear this news.

(c) I am very pleased with you.

(d) He was very delighted to see me.

(e) He was very tired.

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(i) Very much (comparative degree)

Very much better, very much wiser, very much luckier etc.

Ram is very much better than Shyam.

(ii) Very much-much

(a) I love her very much. I do not love her much.

(b) He works very much. He does not work much.


(a) Too much of anything is bad. (too much-Noun)

(b) There is too much of noise. (too much Noun)

(c) It is much too painful. (much too adjective)

(d) She is much too small for a bride. (much too adjective)


Only too (pleasant/ unpleasant adjectives)

(a) I am only too glad to receive your letter. I am very glad to receive your letter.

(b) Your performance is only too bad. Your performance is very bad.

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(a) It is a hard job. (adjective)

(b) This is a hard sum. (adjective)

(c) Students work hard near the examination. (adverb)

(d) He works hard all day. (adverb)

(a) She hardly comes to me.

(b) He hardly works at night.


(a) He is rich enough to buy a new car.

(b) She was strong enough to work.

(ii) Adjective -Enough

(a) I have enough patience; I can do it.

(b) He has enough money to spend and spare.


(a) We have food enough to last a week. (adjective)

(b) She sings well enough (adverb)

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(a) He was quite tired.

(b) Her works is quite satisfied.

Quite (fairly)

(a) This is quite a big hall.

(b) She is quite a tall girl.


(a) Many people attended the party, but most were boring. (Pronoun)

(b) Most people at the party were boring. (Adjective)

 (c) This time, she donated most generously for the war fund. (Adverb)

(a) The players were mostly from rural area.

(b) The audience consisted mostly of boys.

(a) We have almost completed our homework. (Adverb)

(b) I have almost written an essay.


(a) I got this book free.

(b) You can move freely now.


(a) Milk is fairly hot. (correct)

(b) The weather is rather hot. (correct)

(c) Milk is rather hot. (incorrect)

(d) The weather is fairly hot. (incorrect)

24. YES, NO, NOT

(a) Are you well ? Yes, I am.

(b) Do you know him ? Yes, I do.

(a) He has no pen. (pen – noun)

(b) He has no good pen. (good –adjective of positive degree)

(c) He has no better pen. (better –adjective of comparative degree)

(d) This train will carry there no sooner than the bus. (sooner –adverb of comparative degree)

(a) I have not any book.

(b) She does not have any idea.

(c) I can not go there.

verbs- believe, think, expect, suppose ,afraid

(a) Will she co-operate you? I believe not.

(b) Can you help me? I am afraid not.

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Seldom or never ,if ever

(a) She seldom or never tells a lie. (b) He seldom if ever helps the poor.

26. EVEN

(a) Ram can’t even speak.

(b) He can’t even walk.


Though ‘adverb’

I am not good at reasoning but I can help you with your geography, though, if you want.

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1. (a) How are you ?

(b) I never smoke.

(c) He came here.

2. Adverb – ONLY

(a) Only I saw Ram’s bag.

(b) I saw Ram’s bag only.

(c) I saw Ram’s only bag.

(d) I saw only Ram’s bag.

(e) I only saw Ram’s bag.

Adverbs/ Adjectives :

back, bad, better, bright, cheap, clean, dead, deep, direct, easy, enough, even, fair, far, fast , free, high, late, little, long, loose, loud, much, only, right, rough, sharp, slow,. smooth, straight, tight, well, wide, worse, wrong etc.

(a) Only he sings well. (adjective)

(b) He only sings well. (adverb)

(c) He went to the back entrance. (adjective)

(d) Go back (adverb)

(e) Ram is our fast bowler. (adjective)

(f) Ram can bowl fast. (adverb)

(g) He is not better than a fool. (adjective)

(h) He knows me better than you. (adverb)

3. Adverbs of manner , Adverbs of place

(a) He has seen me somewhere.

(b) I could not find my book anywhere.

(c) He went there.

(d) She speaks English fluently.

(e) They wrote it carefully.

4. Adverb of time -Verb

(a) She came yesterday. (b) He has arrived recently.

5. Adverbs of Number– hardly, rarely, scarcely, always, seldom, never, often, daily, generally,almost, just, nearly ,already, verb ‘to be’ main verb

(a) You are always right.

(b) He seldom comes here.

(c) You are never on time.

(d) He has just arrived.

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have to , used to ‘helping verbs’

(a) We always have to wait a long time for the bus.

(b) I often have to go to school on foot.


(a) He ate hardly anything. or

(b) He hardly ate anything.

6. Adverb of Degree (almost, quite, just, too, nearly) Adjective/ Adverb

(a) His answer is quite wrong.

(b) It is too hot to go out.

7. Verb ,Adverb  verb

(a) Ram always goes to work by car.

(b) I cleaned the house and also cooked the dinner.

8. (a) I can never remember his name.

(b) Ram does not usually smoke.

(c) Your car has probably been stolen.

(d) You will certainly miss the train.

9. (a) I always do forget to bring the watch.

(b) You often comes without intimation.

(c) He always does come late.

(d) I already have written the letter.

10. Adverb intransitive verb

She writes well.

Ram died calmly.

This sofa feels soft.

This book sells well.

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11. Arrive, come

The students went home quickly.

12. Even , only

(a) He cannot write even correct English.

(b) I have only one bag.

(c) I solved only three sums.

(d) She has slept only two hours.

13. Adverbs  ,Adverb of Manner   ,Adverb of Place, Adverb of Time

(a) She sang perfectly in the town hall last night.

(b) You spoke slowly at the meeting yesterday.

(c) She is crying loudly at the field now.

(d) He was going to directly Delhi yesterday.

(a) I was born at 5 O’ clock in the morning on Monday in 1971.

(b) He arrived here at 6 O’ clock in the evening on Sunday.


(a) He rewarded liberally all those who had worked for him.

15. is/ will/ did

(a) He always says he will not be late but he always is. (= he is always late)

(b) I have never done it and I never will. (= I will never do it)

16. Still ,already

(a) Are you here already?

(b) It is still raining.

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17. Adverb Preposition

(a) He listened to me with carefully.

18. (a) He asked me to carefully do it.

(b) He asked me to do it carefully.

19. last year, yesterday ,last evening . adverbs/adverbial phrases

(a) I passed the examination last year.

(b) I came here last evening.

20. Else ‘but’ adverb

(a) Go anywhere else but Delhi.

(b) Call him anything else but dog.

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1. Already, All ready

Already (= before) ,

He is already late.

All ready (= quite ready), adjective phrase

The participants were all ready to answer the questions.

2. Altogether, All together

Altogether (= completely), adverb

The house was altogether destroyed by the earthquake.

All together (= everyone in a group) , adjective phrase

They went on a strike all together.

3. Sometimes, Some time

Sometimes (= at any specified time) ,

You can come here sometimes tomorrow.

Some time (= a period of time) ,

My brother spends some time with me everyday.

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4. Enough


(a) This dress is good enough for me.

(b) It was fair enough that you expressed your dissent.

5. Real, Really

This collar is made of real leather.

We really enjoyed the film.

6. Sure, Surely

Sure , adjective

India is sure to win the match.

Surely ,adverb

Surely I would help you.

7. Good, Well

Good  adjective

They are a good team.

Good  Corresponding adverb ‘well’

He plays violin well.

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8. Very

Very ,adverb/  adjective

(a) After days of search, the police found the very suspect they were looking for. (Adjective)

(b) The cat moved very slowly. (adverb)

9. Both Adverb as well as Adjective

Adverb/ Adjective

1. I ran fast.             2. I am a fast runner.

2. I have only two bags.   2. I am the only son of my parents.

3. Come back.         3. You should not enter from the back door.

4. I work hard.        4. I am a hard worker.

10. Adverbs and Adjectives

costly, cowardly, deadly, friendly, lively, likely, lonely, ugly, unlikely, leisurely, homely etc.

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Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbs :

1. The shepherd shouted ………. (loud, loudly)

2. We ………. ever meet now. (hard, hardly)

3. The annual examination is coming ………. (near, nearly)

4. She was ………. sorry to hear the sad news. (quite/ too)

5. Long long ………. there ruled a king. (before/ ago)

6. The bell has ………. been rung. (immediately, just)

7. ………. she has lost something. (perhaps/ probably)

8. This is the ………. book I want to read. (too/ very)

9. I came here a year ………. (ago/ back)

10. The room is ………. for us. (large enough/ enough large)

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Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbs :

1. You are ………. tired. (quite/ very)

2. She is doing ………. well at her job. (too/ very)

3. I played hockey ………. (ago, before)

4. She has been married ………. (late/ lately)

5. She is ………. ugly. (rather, fairly)

6. He is ………. healthy. (too/ very)

7. Is he honest? ………. , he is. (of course/ certainly)

8. I am ………. serious about my health. (most, mostly)

9. The flight will arrive ………. (just now/ shortly)

10. I am ………. pleased to meet you. (very/ too)

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Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbs :

1. He lost ………. his security. (too, even)

2. The books in my library are ………. novels. (most, mostly)

3. I shall be only ………. proud to a friend you. (too, very)

4. This book is ………. interesting. (much/ very)

5. It is ………. a good day. (fairly, rather)

6. I feel ………. disappointed. (much/ very)

7. He is ………. weak to lift the box. (too/ very)

8. Do not talk ………. loud. (very/ so)

9. A car goes ………. than a bicycle. (fast, faster)

10. I am ………. satisfied with his work. (very/ much)

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Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbs :

1. This bag is ………. heavy for me to carry. (too/ very)

2. She sings ………. (good/ well)

3. They walk very ………. (fast/ faster)

4. He is feeling ………. today. (very better, much better)

5. I bought a pen and an inkpot ………. (too, even)

6. This is the reason ………. she committed suicide. (because/ why)

7. He stood first because he works ………. (hard/ hardly)

8. Her health is ………. too good for her age. (no, none)

9. You cannot win the race ………. you run fast. (until, unless)

10. We slept ………. after the tiring journey. (sound/ soundly)

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Correct the following sentences :

1. I take generally my breakfast at 8 a.m.

2. I seldom or ever refused the leave.

3. I only solved two sums.

4. Breathe deeply when you walk.

5. He has often to go by train.

6. I met none else than your real sister.

7. I have not pen with me.

8. Ram loves his son only too much.

9. I do not know to swim.

10. He will today go to Delhi.

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Correct the following sentences :

1. She mostly touched the line.

2. I went directly to Delhi.

3. In this situation, you should go directly to the Principal.

4. She arrived yesterday in the night.

5. That day he arrived lately.

6. He has returned back from Delhi.

7. I shall be back just now.

8. I looked all places.

9. I cannot find it here. Why do not you look here?

10. The European Union are deadly against the imposition of sanctions on Iraq.

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Correct the following sentences :

1. Repeat again what you have said.

2. Mr. Ram recently lived here, before leaving Germany.

3. We could have found the place more easily with a map.

4. To be successful; firstly, you should be regular, and secondly hard working.

5. We explained briefly our plans to the chairman.

6. He was fortunately not present when the chairman came.

7. Honestly speaking, I do not like him very much.

8. I surely, do not want to speak to him again.

9. I am very busy today. Certainly we can go out tomorrow.

10. Ram has stayed in the city for five years. He knows the city well clearly.

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Answer Key
Answer EX. 46.

Kind of Adverb Kind of Adverb

1. in Adverb of place                                 2. bravely Adverb of manner

3. fully Adverb of degree                                     4. finally Adverb of result

5. never Adverb of time                           6. away Adverb of place

7. often Adverb of number                     8. so Adverb of degree

9. in order to Adverb of purpose          10. always Adverb of time

11. clearly Adverb of manner                12. never Adverb of number

13. therefore Adverb of result               14. so that Adverb of purpose

15. before Adverb of time

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Answer EX. 47 to 50
 EX. 47. EX. 48.EX. 49.EX. 50.
4verylatelyverymuch better
10large enoughverysoundlyyet

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Answer EX. 51

1. Generally I take my breakfast at 8 a.m.     

2. I seldom or never refused the leave.

3. I solved only two sums.

4. Breathe deep when you walk.

5. He often has to go by train.

6. I met none else but your real sister.

7. I have no pen with me.

8. Ram loves his only son too much.

9. I do not know how to swim.

10. He will go to Delhi today.

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Answer EX. 52.

1. She almost touched the line.

2. I went direct to Delhi.

3. In this situation, you should go direct to the Principal.

4. She arrived last night.

5. That day, he arrived late.

6. He has returned from Delhi.

7. I shall be back presently.

8. I looked everywhere.

9. I cannot find it here. Why do not you look there?

10. The European Union are dead against the imposition of sanctions on Iraq.

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Answer EX. 53.

1. Repeat what you have said.

2. Mr. Ram formerly lived here, before leaving Germany.

3. We could have found the place easily with a map.

4. To be successful; first, you should be regular, and secondly hard working.

5. We briefly explained our plans to the chairman.

6. Fortunately, he was not present when the chairman came.

7. Frankly speaking; I do not like him very much.

8. I definitely, do not want to speak to him again.

9. I am very busy today. Perhaps we can go out tomorrow.

10. Ram has stayed in the city for five years. He knows the city well apparently.

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