Sentence making

Sentence Making- how to understand it in simple and easy steps

Various types of sentences can be made depending upon presence of verb, tenses, active or passive voice, direct-indirect sentences or conjunctions.Here, you can deepen your understanding about sentences and you will learn to make better sentences for higher scores in IELTS.


Adverbs for higher scores in IELTS

Adverbs are great in writing and oral speech either since they help us to show sophistication. Their understanding and accurate use in IELTS writing and speaking can help to score higher bands in IELTS. Infact, it may be difficult to go above 6 bands, if you do not use adverbs correctly.


Adjectives for IELTS & English

Using a wide range of adjectives helps you to express your meaning more clearly and precisely. This time, we will look at adjectives.

grammar Learning Tips promotion

Why Conjunctions are so important for IELTS

To get a good band score in IELTS writing it is important to use conjunctions effectively. This shows the examiner you can use grammar precisely and helps the flow of your essay, which makes it easier for the reader.


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