FAQ Learning Tips

Importance of Clear and Effective Paragraph Writing in the IELTS

One aspect of the IELTS writing test that is very important is writing paragraphs that are clear, effective, and easy to follow. This blog post will provide information on how to write well-organized and well-written paragraphs on your test. Firstly, here are a couple of reminders about the IELTS writing test: The minimum word count […]

English Learning FAQ Learning Tips

Tips to improve your speaking for IELTS

When a candidate thinks about taking the IELTS test, he should first assess his depth of knowledge in the English language.Find the ways to improve spoken English.

FAQ Learning Tips

Should you memorise answers to speaking questions

If I learn answers to speaking questions, does that mean that I memorise answers? Will I have a lower band score because of that? Read the article.

FAQ Learning Tips

One terrible mistake that most IELTS students make

Many IELTS students say ‘I have already done a lot of IELTS tests, but I cannot see any progress. I feel so helpless. Why is that so? Today we will shed light on this issue. Please read the article very carefully before you start doing IELTS listening and reading practice tests.

English Learning grammar

Check your grammar level in English

This is approximately your current level of English and you should make a plan to further improve your English.For example, if you are at Pre-intermediate level currently, you should make plan to achieve Intermediate level.


Phrasal Verbs List

Phrasal verbs are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverb or verb + preposition. Think of them as any other English vocabulary. Study them as you come across them, rather than trying to memorize many at once. Check here most common phrasal verbs with meaning and examples.

Articles Learning Tips

How long does it take to prepare for IELTS?

How much time you require for your IELTS preparation depends on a variety of factors, including your target score, your mock test results and the amount of time you can dedicate to studying.Read the full article to plan well for your IELTS exam.


Change your thoughts, change everything!

And now turns out that stress is the biggest problem nowadays. The problem that fear generate stress is responsible for up to 90% of all disease. We have to learn to let go off the fear. Consciousness needs to change. It is Chronic fear chemistry itself that is the cause of the problem. Change your mind, you change the chemistry and therefore you become empowered.

English Learning

English Essays (74 topics)(Easy)

This is collection of 74 Essay topics which will help you to improve and upgrade your English as well as knowledge on various topics of general importance.


Speaking Cue Cards Book Volume IESP02

Today’s Practice is Tomorrow’s Victory 70 frequent cue cards with Answers Index Sr. No. Cue Card Topics 1 Favorite Gift 2 Favorite Story (Book) of Childhood 3 Museum 4 Trip/Travelling 5 Environment 6 Destination 7 Housing/Houses/Flats and Houses 8 Traditional Place/Historical Building 9 Embarrassing Moment 10 First Day in Collage 11 First Day in Job […]


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