IELTS Essays Volume 6

IELTS Essay 53 Volume 6 (V6E53)

Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success come from? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

(a) Success is the sweetest fruit a person desires in life. But the path to success is often so very confusing. In fact every successful person has his or her own recipe for this dish.

Careful planning is no doubt the most rational way to achieve success in life. Unless and until we plan our steps ahead of time our work doesn’t remain well organized and until our effort is organized properly we may not achieve success. However, human beings being mortal and their powers being limited, no one can predict the future with a very high degree of accuracy. Thus arises the necessity of making predictions and taking risks. There may be times when we are faced with multiple alternatives none of which are perfectly favorable – we have to make a guess and perhaps hope for the best.

In our country, we are required to qualify in a competitive examination in order to get admitted into an Engineering College. The first time I sat for this examination, I failed miserably. I had to get admitted into a General college with Physics as my major. I then decided to go for the technical colleges a second time. I did it and did it well. In my Physics course, however, I barely managed to pass through into the second year. It was a great risk. I could have failed in the competitive examination the second time too. I could have fell sick on the day of the examination. I could have got into a big trouble. In fact, some of my friends who took the same examination with me failed the second time too and are now passing through hard times.

So, there cannot be any golden rule to success. It’s a recipe with a bowl of planning and perhaps one or two spoonful of risks. The exact proportions depend largely on the individual concerned and the situation. Those who can identify the correct proportions come out with flying colors; others fade into the millions. God has not given us the power to predict the future, but he has surely equipped all of us to be able to measure the pros and cons. We are all capable of taking calculated risks and that’s what is required- How much calculation and how much risk. Well, no golden rule!

(b) Some people believe that success comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In my opinion success comes from careful planning because it organizes, prepares and provides guidelines to finally accomplish he purpose.

In my view, a person learns well if he plans ahead of time before venturing any task. This not only makes him more organized and thoughtful of how to approach a given task but also allows him to keep pace with time. This would ultimately result in the proper finishing at correct time. The very example is when we appear for exams, it should be planned well before rather than sitting at the end moment and at last leaving it unfinished.

Careful planning allows the learner to know his weakness and strength in a particular work. This would enable him to work well on areas of weakness and thus would help him to improve his final performance. This kind is seen among many sports people who practice well before the final match, to improve where they seem to lack. It gives them more confidence to finally approach the test with the positive attitude.

Last but not least careful planning further grooms the personality of an individual, as planning ahead gives him the sense of responsibility and creativity to organize his work and finally the competitiveness to reach the goal.

Thus overall careful planning makes a person more organized, responsible, competitive, and punctual. All these qualities finally help him to achieve his purpose.

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