IELTS Graphs Volume 8 graphs

Graphs- IELTS Writing Task 1 – Book : Volume 8

More than 150 IELTS writing task 1 exercises for Practice including tables, Maps, Columns, Bar, Pie, Processes. This is graphs book with Name Volume 8 for helping children in their IELTS preparation.


Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

A transitive verb is one that is used with an object: a noun, phrase, or pronoun that refers to the person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb.Read more about transitive words.

Graphs volume 7

IELTS Writing task 1-Volume 7-Graphs 41 to 55

15 graph samples from Volume 7 , topics from 41 to 55.

Graphs volume 7

IELTS Writing task 1-Volume 7-Graphs 21 to 40

20 graph samples from Volume 7 , topics from 21 to 40.

Graphs volume 7

IELTS Writing task 1-Volume 7-Graphs 01 to 20

20 graph samples from Volume 7 , topics from 01 to 20.

Graphs Volume 6

IELTS Writing task 1-Volume 6-Graphs 51 to 60-(GV6T51-60)

10 graph samples from Volume 6 , topics 51 to 60

Graphs Volume 6

IELTS Writing task 1-Volume 6-Graphs 35 to 50-(GV6T35-50)

15 graph samples from Volume 6 , topics 36 to 50.

Graphs Volume 6

IELTS Writing task 1-Volume 6-Graphs 26 to 35-(GV6T26-35)

10 graph samples from Volume 6 , topics 26 to 35

Graphs Volume 6

IELTS Writing task 1-Volume 6-Graphs 21 to 25-(GV6T21-25)

5 graph samples from Volume 6 , topics 21 to 25.

Graphs Volume 6

IELTS Writing task 1-Volume 6-Graphs 15 to 20-(GV6T15-20)

6 graph samples from Volume 6 , topics 15 to 20.


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